Post 228's Annual Cash Giveaway from September 11th, 2015

On Friday Sept. 11, members of Sgt. Preston Ashley American Legion Post 228 in Rock Hall held a luncheon for recipients of donations from the Post. The vast majority of the donations were to the Kent County area. Total donations were for $34,645.00 to 42 organizations. Vernon Rodney, Commander of the 290 member Post, stated he was proud that his Post could still maintain this level of donations. He also stated that it is only through the support of the local community and our Legion Family members that we are able to continue serving.

2015 Recipients

  1. Kent Amateur Radio Society
  2. Rock Hall Elementary School
  3. Town of Rock Hall
  4. GSCB Inc. Troop 404
  5. Rock Hall Senior Citizens Assoc.
  6. Mid Shore Community Foundation
  7. Casey Cares
  8. Upper Shore Aging Inc.
  9. Sgt. Preston Ashley Memorial Scholarship
  10. Kent Assoc. of Riding Therapy
  11. Kent County Marching Band
  12. VAMHC, Green St. Baltimore
  13. Friends of Eastern Neck, Inc.
  14. Chester River Health Foundation
  15. UC2
  16. Wesley Cemetery Assoc.
  17. VA Medical Center Perry Pt.
  18. Crossroads Community
  19. Kent County Waterman’s Assoc.
  20. Kent County High School
  21. Humane Society of Kent County
  22. Rock Hall Lions Club
  23. Kent Center Inc.
  24. Kent County Adult Day Care
  25. Fisher House Foundation
  26. Alzheimer’s Association of MD.
  27. Kent Youth Inc.
  28. Boy Scouts of America Troop 130
  29. Townsend Memorial Medical Clinic
  30. Rock Hall Volunteer Fire Company
  31. American Cancer Society
  32. Pop Warner Football Inc., of Kent County
  33. Anne Arundel Medical Center
  34. CASA
  35. Rock Hall United Methodist Church
  36. St. John’s Catholic Church Cemetery Fund
  37. Amy Linn Ferris Adult Activity Center
  38. K & QA Bay hawk’s Baseball
  39. VA Out Patient Clinic
  40. VA Extended Care Center Lock Raven Blvd.
  41. Chester River Home Care & Hospice
  42. Kent County Learning Center

21423 Sharp St. • PO Box 207
Rock Hall, MD 21661